James Edward Reid is a Canadian editor and writer. His writing appears in Vallum: new international poetics, The Pacific Rim Review of Books and The Sarmatian Review. His work has also appeared in The Globe and Mail Books, Canadian Forum, The Dance Current, Watershed, Spotlight, Highgrader Magazine: A Voice From the Northland, Cirque: A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim, Prairie Fire Review of Books, and The Guardian.
“James Reid’s reviews are effective and beautifully written and they touch the heart of the matter.”
Ewa Thompson, Editor.
Sarmatian Review, Polish Institute, Rice University, Houston, Texas.
“James Edward Reid has contributed substantially to Vallum: Contemporary Poetry. His reviews of work by poets as varied as Dani Couture, Peter Dale Scott, Mary Oliver, Erin Moure, and poets from Pakistan, such as Yasmeen Hameed have been concise, engaging, and right on the mark. His critical and creative approaches are relevant to today’s literary culture.”
Eleni Zisimatos, Co-Editor-in-Chief.
Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Montreal, Quebec.
“Jim: Thank you for an extremely generous and understanding review of my Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family’s Feuds. It impressed me as a thoughtful essay.”
Lyndall Gordon, Biographer of Emily Dickinson, Henry James, and Virginia Woolf.
St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
“Jim, your review of The Auschwitz Volunteer in the Sarmatian Review was thoughtful and very comprehensive. You also did a great job of setting Pilecki’s diary in the context of the war and the 20th Century.”
Terry Tegnazian,
Publisher, Aquila Polonica Publishing
“Thanks for your enthusiastic review of Love and Forgetting. Personally, I found your eloquent comments “bracing and deeply moving.”
Julie Macfie Sobol, Co-Author, Love and Forgetting: A husband and wife’s journey through dementia.